What is your impact?

Do you ever wonder what kind of impact you are having on this world?  Do you think about the legacy you are creating?  All of us are impacting those around us – positively or negatively; helping others along their way or presenting obstacles that crowd their path.  Are we the boat that leads the way and sets a good example for navigating the waters of life or the one that is making waves that cause confusion, disillusion, or detriment to those around us?

So how can we increase the odds that the impact we have is positive?   One key aspect is to control the “reactions” to life around us.  People are watching each day how we react to the daily challenges of our lives – our kids, our coworkers, our friends, and even the stranger in the line at the grocery store behind us.  What drives our reactions?  Is it the hurry we are in to get to the next destination or task that causes our harsh responses?  Is it the frustration that we have with others that causes us to be disrespectful to the next person we deal with?  We cannot change or control how others treat us but we do have a choice on how we respond to them. 

If we slow down, take a deep breath, listen and think about our response and reaction to difficult situations, then the outcome will be better for all those involved.  At the same time, other eyes watching will see a great example of living a life that values others and treats people with respect.  This does not mean that we don’t stand up for ourselves to correct problems or issues but it does mean that we try to handle it in an appropriate manner that is respectful.





If we can put those first three steps in before the response…the outcome will improve and our impact on those around us at that moment will be positive.  Each of these moments adds up to a life time…of impact.

One of my favorite authors is Jon Gordon.  His life and his stories are an inspiration to “do the right thing”.  Here are a few of his thoughts on having a positive impact on others:

Smile like you mean it.
Be an encourager.
Share your gifts and talents.
Be original.
Be memorable.
Show people you care.
Be positively contagious.
Help others be their best by giving them your best.
Make memories.

 – By Jon Gordon


Make today a great day for yourself and those that you meet along the waters of life!