Hope and Faith

Two of the most important things for us to embrace in life are HOPE and FAITH.  This morning as I was driving to work looking at the beautiful trees and flowers and thinking about how awesome God is, my mind shifted to the hope we have in our day to day lives and our future because of the faith we have in a God that is bigger than anything we can imagine.  Our human minds cannot even comprehend how everything in the universe works the way it does.  Likewise, we cannot comprehend how our God is powerful enough to know each person by name and care for each of us individually.  We cannot fathom how all of this is possible.  Yet we can have faith in God through the evidence of his work in our lives and the lives around us.  We can have hope because of the Bible that teaches us how real God is and what the future holds for those that know him.  This HOPE and FAITH are two of the sails that help guide our boat through the waters of life.

Yes, there will be times when the winds toss us about and it seems our hope and faith falter.  But it is when the storms are the strongest, that we can use these sails to keep us steady and get us through the difficult winds.  It is during these times that we hold on to the promises of God.

We are so blessed with all that God has and will do for us.  Let us help others  by sharing what our hope and faith is based on…what keeps us afloat when the struggles of this world try to pull us under.