
We all need rest, especially in the craziness of 2020.  Working from home, you would think that we would get more rest.  That does not seem to be the case for so many.  Instead we seem to have worries, stress, regrets, and more worries, stress, and regrets.  As seniors in high school and college had their last year cut short and athletes missed their final season, we had regrets.  As the virus spread around us, we had worries.  As jobs that once were secure were loss, we had stress.  And the cycle continues as businesses close, virtual learning becomes the new norm, and the old norm seems unlikely to return.

Yes, we need rest….

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me; all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” What does this rest look like?

The 23rd Psalm provides a visual for us.  It starts by saying “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” God is with watching over us, providing for us.

Then the next verse says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Think about this…

It does not say fall or collapse in exhaustion.  It does not say pause for a moment.  It says, “He makes me lie down”.  That sounds so peaceful.  Just lay down, softly and completely. Lay down and rest.

And where is it?  It is in green pastures. I imagine this being nice, lush, green grass that is cool to the touch.  Laying there, looking up at the sky and resting.

In a recent interview with Max Lucado, Jon Gordon mentioned that Lucado’s book “Traveling Light” was one of his favorite books, so I thought it would be good to read.  It is a great book based on the 23rd Psalm.  In it, Lucado mentions that “sheep can’t sleep”. Everything must be perfect for them to sleep and unfortunately, they cannot find the perfect pasture without help. Lucado also states that green pastures are not native to Judea.  Any green pasture there was the work of the shepherd.  It is great that the Psalmist used this analogy to describe where we find rest – in a peaceful place that is prepared by the shepherd for his flock.1

Then the psalmist says “He leads me besides still waters.  He restores my soul.”  As we get up from the rest, we find we are right beside a calm stream.  It is here in the quietness that God restores our soul and brings true rest to our body and minds.  It is then that God can speak comfort and peace into us.

Amidst all the chaos that is happening around us, we can find rest.  We need to find rest.  We can lay down and give our worries, stress, and regrets to God, our great Shepherd.  He will restore our soul and bring us a peaceful rest that nothing else can provide. 

1Lucado, Max. Traveling Light. Thomas Nielson, Inc. 2001