Life Happens

Amid all the minutes that tick off the clock, LIFE HAPPENS.

Sometimes, the moments take us down paths that we would never have imagined or chosen, and we wonder “how did I get here”?  

We wonder “is God listening”? 

And then we look back at the journey and realize the paths that we might have chosen could have taken us to places that would have brought more stress, risk, and tears.  It is then that we realize maybe where I am is where I need to be.

Sometimes the changes that come with the journey are what we need in our life to enlighten our mind and soul.  Sometimes the changes are what help us get to the right place – where we need to be.  When we realize God’s love, mercy, and grace never change but instead carry us through the obstacles in our path, we know that the journey is heading to a destination that is better than any we could have chosen for ourselves.

New people and new opportunities come into our lives.  And sometimes, we realize that God is making dreams come true that we never thought were possible.  We forget that God is a God of the impossible and even if we can’t see the way, God can. 

Sometimes what we thought was important is pushed aside to make way for something else that is essential in our lives.  We read that “God’s ways are higher that our ways” and sometimes forget that he knows what all our tomorrows hold.  He knows the rest of our story. He knows right where we need to be and when.  Sometimes it takes tuning out the chaos of life and listening to God’s soft whisper.

Maybe you are constantly working on your “plan” for your life.  We all need a vision, goals, and dreams. But I am realizing more every day that we need to leave room for God to work and direct our vision – open our eyes to what he sees ahead.  It is easy to get upset or depressed when things are not happening the way we planned.  It is easy to be discouraged when things are not progressing as fast as we like.  Maybe during these times, God is telling us to adjust our sails.  We need to look at what God considers important.  While seeking the “things” of life, maybe we need to look at the impact we are making on others. 

Change is hard.  If anyone had asked me two years ago where I would have been today, I would have never guessed here.  But if I were where I thought I wanted to be, I would have missed out on moments and people that have enriched my journey.  Can we just let God direct our sails?  Can we just let go and “let God” work in our lives?  Are we holding the reins too tight?  Are we limiting the impact that we can make on others by not letting go?  Are we limiting what God wants to do in our lives?

Are we forgetting how BIG God is?

What are you holding on to that you need to release your grip on? What regrets and disappointments are you still trying to overcome?  What people are you still hoping that you can win over?  Let go and let God work in your life.  The journey may not always be sunshine and roses, but we need the rain to help things grow and rose bushes need thorns to keep the animals from eating the flowers. Sometimes we need the valley to realize how high the mountain is.   

God sees all our tomorrows and holds us in his hands…And for that I am very thankful.